Saturday, September 19, 2009

Screwing in public: an ode to a lack of decency.

Okay worthless opinion time.
In the last week of working at my underpaying dead end retail job, I have seen a lot of disturbing things.
Most of these include old women waltzing around in underwear looking for the size of jeans that they want... Or older women standing in a fitting room, completely disrobed with the door wide open.
However... When I got to work today, and heard about the scandalous discovery made just minutes before my arrival, I was much more creeped out than any granny panty flaunting old bat could have made me.
Of all the things to do in a fitting room in a department store, why oh why would you screw there?
First of all, screwing in public is trashy.
Okay, we get that you're together, and you can't keep your hands off eachother... But if the good people of society woke up every morning, and said "Oh hot diggity, I think I want to see someone screw today!" the world would be a much different place.
Moral of the story, is that no one (unless they're major creepers) wants to be trying on a new pair of skinny jeans, and hear your naked writhing grossness in the next room over. I mean, is the thought of a filthy, dust bunny infested room where people go to get naked arousing, or are these people really such despicable nymphos that they can't hold off on their humping like rabbits for six seconds?
Either way, I can't see any situation in which this would have been fun, or pleasurable, and judging by their red faces, I'm fairly certain that the part of the act in which they were complained about for the noise, then caught by a manager, and asked to leave wasn't exactly the "climax" the fitting room fornicators were hoping for.
Serves them right.
Get a room next time you trash holes.

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