Thursday, September 17, 2009

Costco takes Lil' Monkey off the shelves. Big surprise there...

This news story needs very little commentary from me to bring the lulz.,0,5678687.story

What I can't believe is that not one person on Costco's development team said "Uh, you know guys, this could be construed as just the slightest bit racist and offensive... No biggie, just sayin'."

Either way, after numerous complaints from communities, and threats of boycotting Costco, they decided to get rid of the Lil Monkey doll which was released with its white counterpart, called Precious Panda.

The press release put out by Costco was the typical "our bad" statement. It was weak at best and basically just said Well... We thought people would like a black doll, but apparently not... Of course it was more eloquently (and legally) worded... But the gist was there.

At this point, they may as well have just given the little bundle of racial slur high tech pick pocket action, to make it even more racist and called it a day.

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